My ex-Prius (deceased 6/29/07)

Scrapyard pictures of my Toyota Prius, totalled after it was rear-ended on the 91 Freeway (and then hit again by a large truck on the drivers-side front after the initial collision spun us into the adjacent carpool lane) in Riverside. We were travelling around 65 mph when we were hit. The three people inside (my dad, my brother, and I) all walked away with nothing more than minor scrapes and bruises.

Since I hadn't yet solved a work problem that I'd been hoping to solve on Thursday, I thought it'd be a good idea to bring along my work laptop and maybe get some work done during the quiet evening hours as people were dropping off to bed.  So that it'd be *extra* safe and out of the way, I put it in the 'secret compartment' below the floor of the cargo area, at the very rear of the car.  Oops!  The 'secret compartment' was smashed so flat that it was a struggle to pull my laptop bag out.
Since I hadn't yet solved a work problem that I'd been hoping to solve on Thursday, I thought it'd be a good idea to bring along my work laptop and maybe get some work done during the quiet evening hours as people were dropping off to bed. So that it'd be *extra* safe and out of the way, I put it in the 'secret compartment' below the floor of the cargo area, at the very rear of the car. Oops! The 'secret compartment' was smashed so flat that it was a struggle to pull my laptop bag out.
Kevin Hogan