June 26, 2004

Water-and-Light, Stern, Auto Accidents, and Bachelor Living

Water and Light: For some reason -- possibly because I'm stupid or insane -- I thought it would be a good idea to go take pictures of the water-and-light fountain show in the Planten un Blomen last night. During the spring and summer, every night there's a show where one person plays the "light piano" and another plays the "water organ" to a classical music soundtrack. On a warm summer evening, watching the show can be pleasant -- but on a dark night threatening rain, not so.

It was lightly sprinkling during my walk to the park -- and not long after I took this picture, the real deluge began. I slipped my camera into a plastic bag (looks like I won't be using the tripod tonight!), put that into my backpack, and fled for home. The heavily wind-whipped rain was coming in horizontally -- despite my umbrella and fancy Gore-Tex rainjacket, I got completely soaked. Good thing I didn't bring the dog along...
Germany — "We're better than we think!"

I just about fell over when I saw the latest issue of Stern advertised in the U-Bahn yesterday. What does it say about Germany's current national mood -- or Stern's editors -- that they felt the need to run this bizarre-looking pat-on-the-back self-esteem issue? I'm surprised that the people over at Davids Medienkritik haven't picked this one up yet; this seems like the kind of thing that they're normally all over ...

(And was it Stern or Spiegel that ran a "Germany: A Laughingstock" cover just a few months ago?)
Auto Accidents: At the end of our block last night, some justification for Shelby and I patiently waiting at the crosswalk and not jaywalking like everybody else: a car crash! One side of the intersection is made up of a visibility-impaired curve that most people take a bit too fast: it looked like a boy-racer type in a Honda Prelude came around that curve, ran a light, and slammed into an elderly couple driving their Renault through the intersection. The cars were totalled, but the people all looked okay; the old folks were standing on the corner, hugging each other and smoking like mad as they waited for the wrecker's truck to come. This morning the corner is still decorated with broken glass and plastic fragments, along with a big section of mangled fencing that formerly separated pedestrians standing on the corner from traffic ...
Bachelor Living Update: In the plus ('not gross single guy-like behavior') column, I've:
  • Done two loads of laundry
  • Washed the dishes
  • Taken the dog for walkies
  • Continued to moisturize regularly, even though there's no woman around to watch me do it
On the other hand, I spent last night playing video games and watching Simpsons DVDs, and my two dinners so far since Shelby left on Wednesday have been boxed spaghetti-with-sauce and McDonalds. And on Thursday night I found myself drinking red wine and eating a package of gummi bears -- at the same time! On balance, though, I think that Scout and I are gonna make it. Stay tuned!
Posted by Kevin at June 26, 2004 11:20 AM