September 21, 2004

Pop Versus Soda

In these contentious days of red-state-versus-blue-state turmoil, when dividing lines seem to split apart America more strongly than ever, don't forget to make your voice heard in an ongoing and divisive national debate.

(Although it doesn't look like they've updated their front-page map in two years. This prettier map was generated in March, 2003, however -- and it looks like their statistics are updated nightly.)

See also the results of the Harvard Dialect Survey, which surveyed other regional variations in languages. Who the heck calls a drinking fountain a "bubbler"? Apparently a very concentrated group of people in New England and Wisconsin ...

The professor behind the Harvard survey has since moved on to the University of Wisconsin and is conducting a new survey there; I haven't taken it yet, but plan to.

Posted by Kevin at September 21, 2004 01:02 PM