July 23, 2003

Wednesday Whatnots

Today was a busy day. There was some scheduling confusion at Kaplan and I wasn't sure if I was teaching Math 1 or Math 2 (the first day of Math or the second, out of four) so I prepped BOTH, which took almost 6 hours total. On Monday I taught a Verbal session which is much easier for me (surprise!), so the math took longer to prep. I was worried about the students asking me questions I couldn't answer but luckily that didn't happen. We got the schedule worked out too so I'll be teaching Math 3 and 4 next week. I was glad I did all that prepping because I ended up going too fast both hours and had to do some of the "try these at home" questions again. If I hadn't prepped those I would have been flying blind and when it comes to math that's REALLY not a good idea. Anyway it all worked out well and I'm feeling much more comfortable.

I'm also glad that I'm not having any problems with exhaustion. The classes are 2 hours and I was concerned about becoming fatigued but that hasn't been a problem. Yay! Surely a sign of improvement. Last year at this time there was no way I would have been able to do this. The only symptom I get is that my feet get sore from standing so long (bad circulation). But it's really manageable.

Posted by Shelby at July 23, 2003 09:56 PM