March 12, 2004

Oh You Will NOT Believe This

I just went outside to take Scout for a short walk, and had an accident. We came across a very cute black lab puppy and Scout naturally wanted to take a sniff, so she darted across my legs. I got entangled in the leash and went down like a load of bricks. Neither one of my knees dislocated (they are very prone to that) which was really good, but otherwise, not so great. I went down hard on my left knee, connecting with the sidewalk right on the kneecap--you know, the part where there's just bone and no padding? Man oh man. I did a full body slam against the sidewalk and banged up my chin. Tears popped into my eyes and it was all I could do to not start bawling right there--and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.

The two people walking the dog and a man getting into his car helped me up and spoke rapidly in German in a sympathetic tone. I said "I'm okay, thanks" and hobbled off, lest I burst out into tears (which would be embarrassing). Besides, Scout still had her business to do and I could hardly retreat back inside. I hobbled off dragging Scout behind me and she finally got to work and I got to go back up.

The damage? My chin has a mild abrasion, no blood and no bruise, but it stings and is sore. My knee has a slight abrasion as well (fortunately no hole in my jeans!). It has a prominent bump on the kneecap and is already swelling. It's very painful to bend and cannot hold my weight unless it's perfectly straight. I popped some more advil and am back with it elevated on the coffee table under a pack of ice.

I can't believe this has happened. The foot that hurts is my right one, with the injured knee on the left. Can you believe the luck? On a Friday too! I'd hoped to be able to get out some this weekend! Hopefully I'll be able to walk on this knee. I could just cry.

On the "good" front, however, I did get a package in the mail from my friend Tori. Thanks Tori!! She sent me a book she really enjoyed, The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint by Brady Udall. I also got the Circle Journey book I'm exchanging with Katrina, my sister-in-law. A Circle Journey is a blank book that you pass back and forth with news and pictures, etc. Kat included a darling picture of my nieces, so that was fun.

Kevin was able to find an English-speaking doctor and I have an appointment for my foot on Thursday. Unfortunately, I can add my knee into the mix now :(. Although the knee just feels like a bad bone bruise, not muscular. Well, they say that bad things happen in threes--let's hope "they" are wrong!

Update: The knee is feeling better. There's still a large, painful bump on the kneecap, but I can bear some weight on it and it bends easier now. It doesn't seem to be a serious injury.

Our luck turned tonight too. McDonald's is running a contest where they have the entries rolled up in special straws. It's a very odd way of giving away game pieces as it's really hard to get the papers out, but anyway, we had McD's tonight and we BOTH won prizes! I won an apple pie and Kevin won a hamburger. How lucky are we?

Posted by Shelby at March 12, 2004 04:34 PM

Dear God, woman! Stay inside! Who knows what the universe will do to you next if you don't?! ;-P

Posted by: Annastazia at March 13, 2004 05:13 AM
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