March 13, 2004

A Doggy Adventure

Thanks to ice and ibuprofen, my knee is feeling loads better. I have regained full mobility and can even do stairs (carefully). The bump on the kneecap has subsided and while it's bruised, I think I'm going to live.

Since I was feeling ambulatory, we decided to take Scout on a doggy adventure. She got her first ride on the subway (scary!), got to sniff the Hauptbanhof Nord, Hamburg's main train station, and best of all, she got to go inside a department store. We went to Karstadt to look for a few things--a cosmetics bag to replace my old one, a soap dish for my new Lush products, and some cheap towels. Karstadt has a discount section (where I spotted a really cute top and some promising looking pants--I'm going to have to check them out again) near the cosmetics section.

I think it's interesting that someone would go to a department store (basically just like Macy's) to buy deodorant and shampoo, but that's what you do in Germany. Unfortunately they didn't have the cosmetic/travel bag that I like, but I got one that will do.

Meanwhile, Scout was sniffing all over the store and enjoying her time in a forbidden place. No one gave her a second glance. I'm still nervous about taking her places even if I've seen other dogs there before because it just seems so wrong, but there was no problem.

Ever the drama queen, Scout had several instances of pulling on the leash and making choking noises like we're abusing her and dragging her around by her throat. Kevin accidentally stepped on her paw and she gave the most pathetic yelp and walked around holding the paw up, even though he hardly stepped on her. She gave up the paw thing as soon as she realized that nobody was paying attention to her. Later on the way back to the train station, I was looking right at her and Kevin stepped down directly next to her paw. She yelped again and held it up. What a faker! I saw it happen and he didn't even step on her! I swear, she could win academy awards sometimes.

Oh, we didn't find any cheap towels so I guess we're going to have to get them at Wal Mart.

That was our big adventure for the day. It was raining this morning so we cancelled the idea of going on a harbor cruise, but it was really nice out later. If the weather holds maybe we'll go tomorrow.

Posted by Shelby at March 13, 2004 08:32 PM