April 18, 2005

And Yet Another One

Choose a band. Answer only in song TITLES by that band. I'm picking Dar Williams

Are you male or female:Flinty Kind of Woman--The Honesty Room

Describe yourself: The Great Unknown----The Honesty Room

How do some people feel about you:The One Who Knows--The Beauty of the Rain

How do you feel about yourself: Farewell To The Old Me--The Beauty of the Rain

Describe your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend:The Pointless, Yet Poignant, Crisis Of A Co-Ed--Mortal City

Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Family--Mortal City

Describe where you want to be: Closer To Me--The Beauty of the Rain

Describe what you want to be: I Won't Be Your Yoko Ono--The Green World

Describe how you live: Another Mystery--The Green World

Describe how you love: Your Fire Your Soul--The Beauty of the Rain

Share a few words of wisdom:
Well sometimes, life gives us lessons sent in ridiculous packaging.--Mortal City

Posted by Shelby at April 18, 2005 06:57 PM