September 06, 2007

Best Intentions

You know, I really do have the best intentions, thinking "This is the week I'm going to be consistent about updating my blog!" and then it never happens. I'm sending a big thank you to you, Constant Readers, who actually do check-in with me every now and again.

I have two excuses. First, it's been Hot. That's Hot with a capital H. This weekend and earlier this week our temperatures soard into the triple digits. By one reckoning, we hit 107 on Tuesday. Naturally I was at work and it's no secret that our air conditioning is on the fritz. We plugged along through the summer with the promise of a renovation that would provide us with a Brand-New Air Comfort System, and while it was hot, we managed to make due. However this past week or so was sheer Hell.

We got these giant fans which were helpful if you happened to be standing in front of them, but the store is quite large with very high ceilings and it was nigh upon impossible to get a good airflow going. Plus if you had the fan pointed at you, everything you were holding or placing on the register counter blew away. Coupons, price tags, hundred-dollar bills (that caused a bit of panic). The Bear Builders constantly ran upstairs where we subsisted on cold soda and Otter Pops.

The actual temperature has cooled down, but in its place we've been hit with a very high degree of humidity. Now let me clear something up for you. Southern California is nothing more than a well-irrigated desert. And in some instances, not irrigated enough--you should see everyone's lawns these days. Southern California does not do humidity. Pretty much my feelings about humidity are IF I WANTED HUMIDITY I'D MOVE TO FLORIDA. I'D MOVE TO THE MIDWEST. I'D MOVE TO ANYWHERE THERE IS HUMIDITY. I can assure you that I have NO intentions to move ANYWHERE THERE IS HUMIDITY, so it's difficult for me to understand this cosmic cruelty that is being placed upon us.

Southern Californians just don't do humidity. It's like when a Storm of the Century hits the East Coast in the middle of Spring Break and Atlanta gets 6 inches of snow (an amount Northerners would call "a slow day") that shuts down the entire city for a week. It sucks.

In other news, China released their referrals for the month of September. They matched a paltry 4 days this month, which puts them at November 25, 2005. For an in-depth explanation of what this means, click here.

Posted by Shelby at September 6, 2007 10:45 AM

Remember that scene in "Biloxi Blues" where Matthew Broderick was explaining how hot it was at boot camp?

"It's like Africa hot." That's how hot it's been here.

Posted by: Kat at September 6, 2007 11:18 AM

From a person that lives in a place with high heat and 80% humidity most of the summer, let me tell you that a dry 107 degrees sounds absolutely wonderful. Still, not being able to circulate air and working without a/c? Wow. You are a much more dedicated employee than I.

Posted by: Staz at September 6, 2007 02:38 PM

If you think 107 sounds wonderful, try 112 in the Valley with no air and no electricity. I agree with you Shelby...this last week was HELL.

Posted by: Sherri at September 7, 2007 11:57 AM
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