June 22, 2008


I've been tagged!

1. What did you do 10 years ago?

10 years ago I had just graduated from graduate school. My God, I can't believe that was 10 years ago! I was about to start my first professional job as a technical writer for a company that made software for big rig truck dealers and repair shops (most repair shops are also dealers, in case they can't fix your truck or something, I guess). I would live in Misery Missouri for about another year. The job was a real eye-opener and lead to such skills as being able to identify the manufacturer of any big rig by spotting the front of it (a skill I have since lost--shucks) and learning how to communicate with people whose legal names were things like "Rusty Nail." Actually, working with Rusty, albeit briefly, was one of the final straws that made me leave Missouri in 1999. I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep thinking, "Tomorrow I have to go to a big rig repair shop to teach Rusty Nail, who doesn't know how to type, to use the software I have written the manual for. And then if I'm feeling like splurging, I'll take myself to one of the nicest restaurants in town--Chili's." Shortly after that I moved back to California.

2. Five items on your to-do list:

-- Clean my desk
-- Organize my craft supplies
-- Clean out, take pictures of, and list our hot tub for sale online (if there are no takers on Craigslist I'll Freecycle it. It needs a new heater. Anyone interested in a free hot tub? You haul it away.)
-- Grind down Digory's nails with the Dremel (I swear to God, this really works)

3. Snacks I enjoy:

-- Chips
-- Soft pretzels with cheese sauce
-- Cookies (eating one right now)
-- Things that are bad for me

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?

-- Pay off our mortgage
-- Help fund a couple of charities (like Beagles and Buddies, where we got Digory)
-- Buy a castle somewhere in Europe, like this one in Bavaria, Germany, or this one in the UK
-- Go on really cool vacations, like an African safari and a trip to Tibet with a hike to Base Camp of Mount Everest.

5. Places I would live:

-- Anaheim, CA
-- Torrance/Redondo Beach, CA
-- Berkeley, CA (in the nice part in a cool house)
-- My castle in Europe

6. Jobs I have had:

-- Camp counselor
-- Library shelver
-- College instructor
-- Technical writer
-- Jedi Master Bear Builder

7. Bloggers I am tagging who you will enjoy getting to know better:

Oh I don't know--whoever wants to.

Posted by Shelby at June 22, 2008 10:19 PM

Okay, woah. Digory actually LETS you grind down his nails with the Dremel? You must teach me your method, oh wise one.

Posted by: Staz at June 23, 2008 08:38 AM
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