July 31, 2004

First House!

In just a little while, we'll be going to see our first open house! This house is in Torrance (fairly close to Shelby's parents), and seems to be priced suspiciously low for its location/condition/size -- so while my interest is piqued, I'm kind of wondering what's wrong with it. Maybe it's located between a halfway house and the Torrance Municipal Sludge-Processing Facility.

We'll be hitting the open houses in earnest on Sunday, and probably spending an hour or two each day doing drive-bys on interesting-looking listings.

(While looking for open houses, I also came across this listing -- you've got to look at all of the pictures. The thought that the SoCal real estate market is so bad that someone had the chutzpah to put this "house" up for sale for $319,000 almost makes me cry ...)

Posted by Kevin at July 31, 2004 02:09 PM