October 08, 2003

Unconscious Mutterings

It's that old word association game. You say a word and I say the first thing that comes to mind. Let's all play Unconscious Mutterings!

Coat:: Hat

Allowance:: 20 dollars

Mist:: Dew

Disorder:: Bipolar

Scheme:: Dirty

Dick:: Head

Homework:: Hausaufgabe (the German word for homework)

Milton:: Office Space (a great movie)

Shampoo:: Head and Shoulders (er, having a little dry scalp problem this week)

Z:: Dewart (We have a family friend named Lindsey Dewart who goes by "Z." I just got an email from her saying that her rheumatoid arthritis is finally responding to medicine--yay!)

Posted by Shelby at October 8, 2003 01:26 PM