April 15, 2005

Things I've Found On The Web Lately

You probably all know about all of these already, but here goes:

For your globe-hopping needs, SeatGuru.com offers airline seat maps for a number of carriers, with annotations. Find out which seats have more leg room, and which seats are back up against the bulkhead wall and across the aisle from the galley. (Even though I had to settle for an inside seat because my reservation was so late, SG assures me that I'll have one of the best economy seats on the plane for my LAX-to-Heathrow flight tomorrow -- woohoo!)

Everybody's already heard about how Google Maps now offers satellite imagery (although not at the resolution of TerraServer USA). Somebody's now taken that one step further with Google Sightseeing -- famous (or weird) landmarks, collected for you.

Big Box Reuse: What happens when Wal-Mart moves, like a hermit crab, out of that big-box store to an even bigger box somewhere across town? Julia Christensen has collected examples of how communities have reused the husks of former Wal-Mart/K-Mart/grocery/department stores. My favorite is the Wal-Mart that turned into an indoor go-kart raceway in Round Rock, Texas.

Look up the stats on every roller coaster you've ever ridden in the Roller Coaster Database.

Leisure Town is back! (Potentially offensive: the front page warns "for mature readers" -- "mature" might not be quite the right word ...)

And some blogs:

  • 1947project: Crime stories from 1947 Los Angeles, updated daily. Often, entries are accompanied by a what's-there-now present-day visit to the scene of the crime.
  • PostSecret: Frank Warren invites people to take part in a "community art project" by writing a personal secret -- something never shared with anybody else -- on the back of a postcard and mailing it (anonymously) to him. Some of the secrets are funny, some are touching, some are sad. Many of the cards are profusely illustrated. (Listen to a piece about PostSecret on NPR's All Things Considered.)
  • Vinography, a wine blog.

Posted by Kevin at April 15, 2005 12:04 PM