March 09, 2008

Up with Spam!

I get spam comments here. I wouldn't call them "a couple" or "a fair number" or "a handful," but they do happen. I'd say I get maybe 3 or 4 spam comments a day on various entries. Our spam filter actually catches a huge amount of them so I really don't have any complaints on that front. It's more a minor annoyance than anything else. Kevin did set the blog to shut off comments to old entries and that helped a lot. But every once in a while I'll have a single entry that just attracts spam like honey to flies.

I should probably take down the porn, hunh?

I'm kidding, Dad.

Well you may remember my recent entry on what I call the "Up With Hillary" video. For whatever reason, the rest of my Hillary threads have flown mostly under the radar, but Hillay4U&Me has just attracted a tremendous amount of attention. Therefore, comments have been disabled. It has taken me 3 days and manually deleting approximately 100 spam comments on that single post before it occurred to me to just disable the comments on that post.

I'm not always very smart, but at least I'm not running for President. And I am smart enough to disable comments for this post.

Posted by Shelby at March 9, 2008 07:02 PM