My all-time favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. That's where I got the name Scout. But I was just thinking, it's been a good 10 years since I've read it. I wonder if it's still my favorite? Hmmmmm.
Woo hoo, this looks like a fun one! Do a Google Image search on the following categories and display the first hit.
1. The city you grew up in: Torrance, CA. And yes, this is a picture of Torrance Beach, where I spent nearly every summer day when I was a kid.
2. The city you currently live in: Anaheim, CA. Surprise, surprise.
3. Your name: Shelby Hogan. Hey, I recognize them!
4. Your maiden name: Shelby Rosiak. Hey, that's not Shelby! That's my niece, Seana Rosiak!
5. Your grandfather's name: Which one? How about Grandpa Rosiak? Name: Theodore. And who knew he was a hockey player?
More below!
6. Your favorite dish: Buffalo wings. Mmmmmmmm
7. Favorite cartoon: South Park. Strange that this is the first hit.
8. Elementary school you attended: Seaside Elementary. I don't know where this Seaside Elementary is, but it's definitely not the Seaside Elementary I attended.
9. Sport that you participated in: well there were a couple, but let's go with T-ball. How cute is this?
10. Your first car: 1987 Suzuki Samurai. Yeah, this is definitely not what my Samurai looked like.
11. Cell phone that you have: I have no idea and I'm too lazy to go look it up, so moving along...
12. Favorite clothing line: Seriously, I don't have one. I can't even come up with something that would be remotely accurate.
13. Favorite color: Cerulean. Ooooo, pretty.
14. Favorite singer/band: Dar Williams. Kind of a strange picture of her.
15. Favorite song: All time favorite? Tainted Love by Soft Cell.
16. Favorite word: Fortnight (which means 2 weeks). Kind of an odd picture, but whatever.
17. Favorite birthday present: Well this year it was the soundtrack to Avenue Q.
18. Favorite vacation spot: Whistler, Canada.
19. Car of your dreams: Honda S2000. Except not in orange.
20. Your job: Writer. The first hit contained nudity (yeah, I know--wtf?) so here's the second.
21. Favorite hobby: Reading. Is that a hobby? It is now.
22. Husband's hobby: Model Railroading. Not as impressive as Miniatur Wunderland...
23. Favorite show: Arrested Development (now cancelled *sniff*).
24. Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird. Look, there's Scout!
25. Style of your wedding dress: Hunh? I guess it would be a tank top a-line. This one's pretty, although mine was white.
26. One word to describe your relationship with your significant other: Joyful. Talk about an odd picture.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Belle the Beagle in Florida called 911 to save her owner's life. But that's not the impressive part. The impressive part is that when her owner went into a diabetic seizure, she pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and bit down on the 9 key (which was programmed for 911) and then barked into the phone to summon help. I've seen stories of dogs who have knocked a receiver off of a phone and used its paw to speed dial, but to actually take the phone out of his pocket and bite down on the right key??? I'm impressed. Watch the video here. Good dog!
I'm here in exciting San Jose for the week. Kevin and I drove up yesterday morning--we planned to leave the house around 8:00 am and we ended up leaving the house at...8:00 am! I think that's an absolute first for us. Not only leaving the house on schedule, but doing it in the morning. The drive up was problem-free and we got into town around 3:00ish. Kevin went over to Adobe for work while I took a nap. Later I did some work on my Secret Project and we ate at one of our old haunts, Aqui restaurant. This morning I was off to Faux Salon to see my friend Jennifer and get my first hair cut in like 9 months. Jennifer cut my hair and we caught up on each other's lives. After that I went shopping because I realized yesterday on the drive here that while I had a really cute new black dress for Dorothy's wedding (Saturday), it has spaghetti straps and I have no strapless bra. Off I went to Mervyns and as luck would have it, today was their One-Day 50% Off Sale! I couldn't resist buying two really cute dressy blouses, which I desperately needed since I have nothing but t-shirts save one button down blouse. Tonight I'm having dinner with my friend Hai-Nhu. I'm looking forward to seeing her because she's pregnant and pregnant ladies are so cute. Tomorrow, my birthday, I'm going to hang out with Dorothy, the blushing bride, and attend her Hawaiian themed bachelorette party. Friday we're heading up to Berkeley to have dinner with our friends Anita and Derek. Saturday is the wedding (yay!) and Sunday we're going up to the Napa area to go see Wendy (who is also pregnant and due within just a week or two of Hai-Nhu) and Marc (and their doggie Akima). Monday it's a loooooooong trek all the way back down to lovely Anaheim, concluding our trip.
So that's the itinerary. We've got an internet connection in the hotel but there's just one plug-in and we have two computers so Kevin gets to use it at night. He's pretty swamped with his current project so the poor guy has been working all hours. So if you don't see me around, that's why. Hope all of you are having a wonderful week!
I'm here in exciting San Jose for the week. Kevin and I drove up yesterday morning--we planned to leave the house around 8:00 am and we ended up leaving the house at...8:00 am! I think that's an absolute first for us. Not only leaving the house on schedule, but doing it in the morning. The drive up was problem-free and we got into town around 3:00ish. Kevin went over to Adobe for work while I took a nap. Later I did some work on my Secret Project and we ate at one of our old haunts, Aqui restaurant. This morning I was off to Faux Salon to see my friend Jennifer and get my first hair cut in like 9 months. Jennifer cut my hair and we caught up on each other's lives. After that I went shopping because I realized yesterday on the drive here that while I had a really cute new black dress for Dorothy's wedding (Saturday), it has spaghetti straps and I have no strapless bra. Off I went to Mervyns and as luck would have it, today was their One-Day 50% Off Sale! I couldn't resist buying two really cute dressy blouses, which I desperately needed since I have nothing but t-shirts save one button down blouse. Tonight I'm having dinner with my friend Hai-Nhu. I'm looking forward to seeing her because she's pregnant and pregnant ladies are so cute. Tomorrow, my birthday, I'm going to hang out with Dorothy, the blushing bride, and attend her Hawaiian themed bachelorette party. Friday we're heading up to Berkeley to have dinner with our friends Anita and Derek. Saturday is the wedding (yay!) and Sunday we're going up to the Napa area to go see Wendy (who is also pregnant and due within just a week or two of Hai-Nhu) and Marc (and their doggie Akima). Monday it's a loooooooong trek all the way back down to lovely Anaheim, concluding our trip.
So that's the itinerary. We've got an internet connection in the hotel but there's just one plug-in and we have two computers so Kevin gets to use it at night. He's pretty swamped with his current project so the poor guy has been working all hours. So if you don't see me around, that's why. Hope all of you are having a wonderful week!
I just found out that the Moody Blues are playing at, of all places, the Orange County fair this summer! Anyone interested? Brad and Kat? The Moody Blues released their first album sometime in the late 60s and continued to record until I think the early 90s. I liked their 80s stuff ("In Your Wildest Dreams," "I Know You're Out There Somewhere") while Brad introduced me to the classics ("Nights in White Satin" and so forth). Now I'm playing them on iTunes and contemplating buying some with my new iTunes gift card.
And on a tangential but slightly related note, Mary--I listened to a bunch of Chris DeBurgh songs and you know, they just aren't as brilliant or moving as they were 12 years ago. In fact, they were pretty cheesy. I sincerely dread putting on my deeply beloved Kenny Loggins in fear that it's going to have the same problem.
A. Pick 11 of your favorite movies.
B. Then pick one of your favorite quotes from each movie.
C. Post the quotes on your blog.
D. Have your friends guess what the movie is. (Kevin, you're disqualified).
E. Either strike out the quote once it has been correctly identified or place the guesser's user name directly after the quote.
F. Extra points for knowing the actor or character's name.
1. "Excuse me, Ma'am--I speak jive."
Airplane! guessed by Erik2. "Thanks for nothing Mister Store Person!"
Best In Show, line is by Parker Posey's character, guessed by Kevin.3. "You know you really shouldn't mumble, little boy. I can't understand a word you're saying."
Still unguessed! Kevin, you left it out but you're not allowed a second chance. Anyone? Mary?4. "The chickens are revolting!" "Finally, something we can agree on!"
Chicken Run, line is by Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy, guessed by Kevin5. "We're gonna need a bigger boat."
Jaws guessed by Karin6. "You gotta put your behind in the past."
The Lion King, line is by "either Timon or Pumbaa." Well which one is it? You can't have it both ways! I bet MARY knows this. guessed by Kevin7. "That'll do, pig. That'll do."
Babe guessed by Erik8. "It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right and who is dead."
The Princess Bride guessed by Karin9. "I am no man!"
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King guessed by Erik. Special nod to Karin as the line also appears in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? (although that wasn't what I was referring to).10. "If you're really Santa Claus, you can get it for me. And if you can't, you're only a nice man with a white beard like mother says."
Miracle on 34th Street guessed by Karin11. "Reverend Mother, I have sinned" "I too, Reverend Mother"
Leave your answers in the comments.
Okay Mary and Kevin, you can jump in now.
Wow, I've been getting a lot of great stock tips in my inbox lately! I have to take advantage of them right away. I wonder if they take Paypal.
1. Do you play cards?
Not really anymore. When I was in college, though, cards were an obsession. Well, just one card game: Euchre (pronounced yoo-ker). Nobody in California has ever heard of it, but it's a national sport in Michigan. It's a 4 player game so unfortunately I can't just play it with Kevin. Plus you need at least 2 participants who know what's going on, so you can't just teach 3 people and go for it. So, alas, until I get together with my college friends, no Euchre for me.
2. Do you have any rings on your hands?
I do. I have my wedding set on the traditional ring finger of the left hand. The other hand cycles through rings but right now I have a tanzanite on my right middle finger and a pearl ring that Kevin gave me as a combination birthday (pearl is my birthstone)/promise ring on my right ring finger.
3. Would you describe yourself as innocent?
Unless you've got DNA evidence otherwise, I'm definitely innocent.
4. What do you think of chivalry?
I really like it. I don't see it as disrespectful or a put-down, I see it as politeness and thoughtfulness. Actually I get pretty pissed at the women who get all offended and say "I can open my own damn door!" Look lady, he's trying to do something nice for you. If you object, then just say so tactfully and politely. And then they complain that there are no more "nice guys" available. Give me a break.
5. Have you seen The Thomas Crown Affair?
No, why? Have you lost it?
Katrina wanted to see my toothbrush. Here's where it lives when I'm not using it:
And here it is all on its own:
Ira said: Hi Shelby, well I would like to know your favorite tree or Flower, that are growing in your garten, than your favourit place (at home or out of home)where you prefer to write your novels..
My favorite flowers are the roses that grow in front of our house:
And I write my novels at this desk. Really, I know where everything is! Ha ha.
Thanks for playing! Any others?
You Are a Beagle Puppy |
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Ask me to take a picture of any aspect of my life that you're interested in/curious about - it can be anything from the house I live in to my favorite shoes. Leave your choice here as a comment, and I will reciprocate by taking the pictures and posting them. That way you get to know a little bit about my life. Join in! It's fun!
Go here and let the pictures scroll through. See anyone you recognize?
Yes, my diamond earrings! They'd been missing since we moved and I was SO upset because they were a Valentine's Day gift from my beloved husband and, well, they're diamonds. They're very small so they were hiding underneath a ring in my jewelry box. The jewelry box--of all places to find a pair of earrings! Anyway, they are back safely in my ears so I'm very happy.